CHCs are directed to promote historic and cultural sites to develop and sustain heritage tourism. Consider the following recommendations when planning heritage tourism efforts alongside local, regional, and statewide partners.
Learn What it Means to Promote Heritage Tourism
The relationship between tourism and preservation is cyclical; foster heritage tourism to drive historic site restoration, boost visitor numbers, stimulate local economies, and generate resources for further preservation efforts.
- Visit the Heritage Tourism main page to learn about current initiatives and special projects.
- Seek training in interpretation and storytelling to learn best practices for sharing meaningful and relevant information with audiences.
- Connect with your regional heritage tourism partners. The Texas Heritage Trails Program builds a statewide and regional network, promoting events and offering marketing and occasional financial support for projects.
Establish a Network for Heritage Tourism
Partnerships at the local, regional, and statewide level can advance heritage tourism initiatives, create new participation opportunities, and strengthen existing efforts.
- Subscribe to the Heritage Tourism email listserv to ask and answer questions and share information about heritage tourism initiatives in your community.
- Establish a relationship with your Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau.
- Engage with your heritage trail region. While each region offers different services, all can help you:
- List your heritage sites, attractions, and events on
- Share your stories at heritage education events developed for regional partners.
- Participate as a partner in travel and trade shows across the state.
- Advertise in Texas-targeted travel publications.
- Volunteer to serve on a project task force or the regional board of directors.
Participate in Heritage Tourism Efforts
Focus on enhancing the visitor experience in your community.
- Work with area business associations, Chambers of Commerce, and the public to nominate businesses for the Texas Treasure Business Awards program.
- Create visitor experiences out of assets that already exist rather than ones you must build. Let local history and traditions inspire you to create experiences that stand apart from the offerings found in other communities.
- Offer tours of historic neighborhoods, historic courthouse/jail complexes, and downtown districts. Reference the Historic Sites Atlas for a list of designated properties.