CLG grants provide funding to participating city and county governments to develop and sustain an effective local preservation program critical to preserving historic resources. Activities eligible for CLG grant funding must be tied to the statewide comprehensive preservation planning process (a copy of the Texas Historical Commission Statewide Preservation Plan can be found here).
Priority for funding is given to projects that directly relate to the following work categories:
- Architectural, historical, and archeological surveys/inventories
- Preparation of nominations to the National Register of Historic Places
- Preparation of a local preservation plan
- Writing or amending a preservation ordinance
- Development of local design guidelines
- Research and development of a local preservation incentive program
- Travel/training expenses for hosting a regional preservation-related workshop
Matching Requirement
CLG grants require a local match budgeted on a one-to-one (dollar for dollar) basis. Projects using verifiable in-kind services or goods as a whole or partial match qualify, provided that the local match equals a 50:50 ratio for the project's total cost. Only non-federal monies may be used as a match, with the exception of Community Development Block Grants. Grants are paid as reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred during the project.
Contact Us
If you have questions about the Certified Local Government Program, please contact the program administrator using the information listed here.
+1 512-463-7812 -
clg@thc.texas.gov -
P.O. Box 12276
Austin, TX 78711
United States