Mason County Courthouse under construction

Texas has more historic courthouses than any other state. Today more than 240 courthouses still stand that are least 50 years old. About 80 were built before the turn of the 20th century. By the end of that century, most of these structures were significantly deteriorated due to inadequate maintenance, insensitive modifications or weather related damage. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) documented the condition of 50 of the state’s oldest courthouses in the late 1990s and determined that counties lacked the resources to preserve the buildings for future generations.

The Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) offers funding to counties through its nationally renowned, award-winning grant program. The THCPP may award up to $10 million to eligible counties through a biannual, competitive application process.

How to Participate in the Courthouse Grant Program

Eligible counties and municipalities own a historic building that currently serves or previously served as the county courthouse and have an approved THCPP preservation master plan. Grant cycles are held every two years following an appropriation for the program by the Legislature, and requests are considered for emergency grants that fund work to protect the building or its users, planning grants to develop construction documents for the full restoration of a historic courthouse and construction grants to fund the full restoration of a historic county courthouse. Counties with a grant-funded fully-restored courthouse are eligible for emergency funding and will compete for funding against other returning applicants. Out-of-cycle funding is considered by the full commission at its Quarterly Meeting to undertake emergency work that is urgent and due to an unanticipated event and to supplement existing construction projects that encounter unforeseen conditions. 

In support of the projects completed with state grant funds, the THC also created the Texas Courthouse Stewardship Program, which provides technical assistance and training to county staff on how to maintain their newly restored courthouse.

THCPP Round XIII Grant Awards

The Texas Historical Commission (THC) announced grant recipients for Round XIII of the nationally recognized Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) during its July 26 quarterly meeting in Austin. The THC awarded matching grants totaling $46,224,170 to nine counties to aid in preservation of their historic courthouses. Round XIII awards are listed below. 

The THCPP Round XIII grants were made possible through a $45 million appropriation by the 88th Texas Legislature and an additional $3-4 million is anticipated in September from the Historic Infrastructure Sustainability Trust Fund. More than $2 million of the appropriated funds were distributed over the last year to counties with unforeseen conditions in the form of supplemental funding. The THC received applications from 31 counties requesting construction funding of nearly $150 million for projects totaling over $200 million.  

The program has awarded over $400 million since the program’s inception and of the 145 counties participating in the program, 106 counties have received grant funding and 81 of those have received full restoration funding. There are still 25 applicants awaiting full restoration funding after receiving planning and emergency grants and another 37 program participants that have not yet received any funding at all, with a total outstanding need among participants of over $650 million. 

July 2024 Awards


Grant Type



Full Restoration



Full Restoration



Full Restoration



Full Restoration









Emergency Out-of-Cycle





September 2024 Awards
ApplicantGrant TypeAward
DonleyGrant Award$2,594,947

Current Courthouse Grant Projects

2023 Courthouse Advisory Committee Recommendations

The Texas Historical Commission convened a Courthouse Advisory Committee that met in April and May 2023 to examine specific aspects of the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP). Approaching its 25-year anniversary, the program has attracted more than 140 participants and awarded more than $360 million to counties to fund the full restorations of 78 courthouses and provide smaller grants to assist with emergency and planning projects. The Commission appointed a Committee on February 1, 2023 to advise the Commission on improving construction quality to limit the number of courthouses returning for funding following their full restorations, examine the priorities of the THCPP by identifying buildings eligible for grant funding, and refine its grant project selection process. County judges and commissioners, facilities managers, a representative from the Texas Association of Counties, THC commissioners, preservation architects, and contractors comprised the Committee. The Committee met virtually on April 4 and April 12, 2023 to discuss the topics and make initial recommendations on how to address concerns, and on May 24, 2023 to finalize the Committee’s recommendations. Committee members reviewed and approved final revisions to draft recommendations, and the Commission adopted the final recommendations at its July 2023 Quarterly Meeting. Changes based on the CAC Recommendations will be integrated into the program and the Round XIII grant cycle and application material will reflect these changes. 

2023 Courthouse Advisory Committee Recommendations (Approved) 

Courthouse CTA
Mason County Courthouse under construction

Is your courthouse in need of historic preservation?

Our nationally recognized and award-winning Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program has turned around the trend of disrepair and begun restoring these treasured historic landmarks.

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