The State Archeologist oversees the Regional Archeology Program, the Texas Archeological Stewardship Network, Texas Archeology Month, Historic Texas Lands Plaque program, and special projects.

The Archeology Division (AD) divides the state into five terrestrial regions, a shoreline/marine region that includes all of coasts, rivers, and lakes, and Bexar County as a standalone region. A staff archeologist is assigned to each region to provide assistance to stewards, landowners, and communities when needed. If you need assistance use our map to contact your regional AD staff. For more information about regulatory reviews, see our Review section.

AD staff archeologists respond to thousands of public inquiries regarding prehistoric and historic archeological sites in Texas. They offer archeological consultation to state agencies, professional and avocational archeologists, landowners, teachers, heritage groups, and interested individuals. They investigate important endangered sites dating from prehistoric times to the 20th century. They record new archeological sites and monitor previously recorded sites to ensure their protection. The AD staff also engages in significant projects related to African American, Hispanic, and Native American cultural resources.

Regional Archeology Contact

Contact Us

If you have questions about the Regional Archeology Program, please contact the program administrator using the information listed here.