This section is meant to help preservation project sponsors comply with laws that protect historic properties.
Federal Project Review
Learn about National Historic Preservation Act requirements for historic buildings, the Section 106 review process, information about guidance and agreement documents, mitigation and more.
State Project Review
Resources for state-level review include information on the Antiquities Code of Texas, antiquities permits, and regulatory guidance for historic courthouses and Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks.
Consultation Process
Learn how to work with the Texas Historical Commission, including what to send in for project review, how the THC reviews projects, our eTRAC system, working with regulatory archeologists, and more.
Certified Local Government
Read more about CLG grants, how to develop a preservation plan for your community, or visit the CLG Reference Center to learn about historic preservation best practices at the local level.
Historic Sites Atlas
The Atlas features nearly 300,000 site records, including markers, historic places, courthouses, cemeteries, museums, and sawmills across the state.
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