All information provided below about grant programs is for informational purposes only.
Download the Grant Funding and Assistance for History Museums document for more information about grant-writing resources and specific grant opportunities.
Grant-Writing Resources
Is Your Museum Grant-Ready? by Sarah S. Brophy.
Candid is a leading source for information on philanthropy, fundraising, and grant programs and provides many helpful resources, such as Candid Learning, which offers grant-writing resources and training. Their Funding Information Network partners provide access to funding databases, nonprofit trainings, and connection opportunities at locations across the country. The Foundation Directory Online is a search tool that provides free, public access to information about over 100,000 foundations and over 250,000 IRS Forms 990-PF.
The Friends of the Texas Historical Commission coordinates quarterly Development Seminars across the state, geared towards volunteer leadership (board members and advisors) and staff from nonprofit organizations interested in learning more about securing philanthropic support. They have also presented several webinars for Museum Services, and the recordings, slides, and handouts can be found in the Webinar Archive. The National Preservation Institute offers a free e-course titled Finding New Sources of Funding in Challenging Times.
Grant Opportunities
The Grantsmanship Center compiles listings of the top giving foundations in Texas, community foundations, and corporate giving programs.
Grants.gov lists federal grant programs.
Texas eGrants lists state grant programs.
Texas Rural Funders lists grant writers and grant opportunities for rural communities.
Many foundations, organizations, and funders offer a variety of grant opportunities, listed on their websites along with applications deadlines and requirements. Specific grants particularly applicable to history museums are listed in the Grant Funding and Assistance for History Museums document.
The resources below provide suggestions and guidelines for museum fundraising:
- 101 Ideas for New Revenue at History Museums, AASLH
- 130+ Awesome Fundraising Ideas: Contests, Raffles, Challenges & More!, Wild Apricot
- 12 Month Fundraising Plan Toolkit, Network for Good
- Association of Fundraising Professionals
- Cracking into Corporate Giving, Candid
- FSA Tips: Fundraising, AASLH
- Fundraising, National Council of Nonprofits
- Fundraising and Development, Texas Commission on the Arts
- How to Create a Fundraising Plan for Your Historic Preservation Group, Wisconsin Historical Society
- Museum Fundraising: 10 Powerful Insights and Tips for the Modern Museum, Donorbox
- Small Museums Guide to Fundraising Campaigns, MuseumNext
- Ten Fundraising To-Do's for Small Museums and Nonprofits, AASLH
- Your Fundraisers Should Be Donor-Led. Here's Why, Museum Hack