The following information reflects current policies and practices at the Texas Historical Commission.
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This is an accessibility statement from the Texas Historical Commission.
Measures to support accessibility
The Texas Historical Commission takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of
- Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.
- Appoint an accessibility officer and/or ombudsperson.
- Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.
- Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
- Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.
Conformance status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on
- Phone: 512-463-8889
- E-mail:
- Postal Address: P.O. Box 12276
We try to respond to feedback within 10 business days.
Technical specifications
Accessibility of relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:
- JavaScript
These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.
Limitations and alternatives
Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of , there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.
Known limitations for
- PDFs created prior to January 1, 2024: PDFs may not be accessible to blind or visually-impaired users because many documents predate accessibility compliance processes and procedures. The agency is in the process of updating documents on its website to ensure they are compliant with accessibility guidelines. Please contact for assistance.
Assessment approach
The Texas Historical Commission assessed the accessibility of by the following approaches:
- Self-evaluation
Contact Us
If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on our website interferes with your ability to access the information, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. To respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate:
- The nature of your accessibility problem.
- The preferred format in which you wish to receive the material.
- The web address of the requested material or page in question.
- Your contact information.
Additional information about accessibility programs in Texas is available from the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities.
Copyright ©2024, The Texas Historical Commission. All rights reserved.
The content of all material on this web site is copyrighted by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) unless otherwise indicated. Permission to copy, distribute, or use in whole or part for any non-commercial purpose without fee is hereby granted provided that the information (files, documents, or photographs) is credited to the THC.For information on this website credited to another copyright holder, please contact that source regarding use of their material.
The Texas Historical Commission (THC) developed a vision for historic preservation in Texas. An integral part of that vision is the relationship between the THC and the citizens of Texas.
To help define that relationship, the THC has developed this “Compact with Texans.” Webster's dictionary states that a compact is an agreement, understanding or covenant between two or more parties. The following is a covenant between the THC and the citizens of Texas that will provide an understanding of how the THC will answer citizen inquiries and complaints in a timely manner.
The mission of the THC is to protect and preserve the state's historic and prehistoric resources for the use, education, economic benefit, and enjoyment of present and future generations. Our philosophy at the THC is based on the recognition that the unique cultural heritage of Texas is owned and shared by all citizens. The protection and preservation of this heritage is a partnership between Texans and their government. As public servants we accept our role in this partnership and we are committed to the highest standards of ethics, accountability, efficiency, competency, and openness.
Services Offered
The main functions of the Texas Historical Commission are to identify, preserve, interpret, and maintain historic and archeological sites. The agency:
- Provides leadership and training to county historical commissions, heritage organizations, and museums in Texas' 254 counties.
- Offers preservation consultation to the public.
- Works with communities to help protect Texas' diverse architectural heritage, including historic county courthouses and other public buildings.
- Administers the state's historical marker program.
- Acts in partnership with communities to stimulate tourism and economic development.
- Operates 38 historic properties throughout the state.
- Assists Texas cities in the revitalization of their historic downtowns through the Texas Main Street Program.
- Works with property owners to save archeological sites on private land.
- Consults with citizens and groups to nominate properties as Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks, State Antiquities Landmarks, and to the National Register of Historic Places.
- Ensures that archeological sites are protected as land is developed for highways and other public construction projects.
- Publishes a wide range of educational materials on preservation topics.
A goal of the Texas Historical Commission is to be recognized for the pursuit of excellence in the area of
customer service.Formal Written Inquiries and Complaints
The objective of the Texas Historical Commission is to respond to each formal written inquiry or complaint within 10 days of receipt. These should be directed to:
Customer Service Representative
Texas Historical Commission
1511 Colorado St.
P.O. Box 12276,
Austin, Texas 78711-2276Phone: 512-463-6100
Fax: 512-463-8222The customer service representative will then direct each formal written inquiry or complaint to the appropriate division director. If the division director is unable answer the inquiry or resolve the complaint in 10 working days, that division director will indicate to the one filing the inquiry or complaint, in writing, when they expect to provide the answer or resolution. If the answer to the inquiry or the resolution of the complaint is not satisfactory to the one making the complaint, that person should contact the customer service representative for an answer or resolution. If that answer or resolution is not satisfactory, the one making the inquiry or complaint should take it to the members of the Texas Historical Commission at their next quarterly commissioner's meeting for resolution.
Other Inquiries and Complaints
It is the policy of the Texas Historical Commission to respond to all customer requests, inquiries or complaints in a reasonable and timely manner. All informal inquiries or complaints should be submitted to the appropriate division director or program manager for an answer or resolution. All customers who make a request, inquiry or complaint shall be contacted every 10 days by the division director or program manager until the inquiry is answered or the complaint is resolved.
The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is committed to ensuring that women, minority and service-disabled-veteran-owned businesses get a fair opportunity to compete for all contracts directly—and indirectly through subcontracting. The goal of the State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program is to promote full and equal business opportunities for all Texas certified HUBs, to remedy disparity in state procurement and contracting.
In procuring goods and services through contracts, the THC makes a good faith effort to meet or exceed statewide goals for HUB participation for the contracts that the agency expects to award in any appropriation year. The THC bases its HUB goals on the following statewide goals established by the Comptroller of Public Accounts:
- 11.2 percent for heavy construction other than building contracts;
- 21.1 percent for all building construction, including general contractors and operative builders' contracts;
- 32.9 percent for all special trade construction contracts;
- 23.7 percent for all professional services contracts;
- 26.0 percent for all other services and contracts; and
- 21.1 percent for commodities contracts.
For more details or assistance on the THC's Historically Underutilized Business Opportunities Program, please contact Eric McKiver at 512-463-7748.
This section outlines the policies for linking to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) website and for requesting your link on the THC website.
- Linking to the THC website: What You Can Do
- You do not need to get advance permission to link to us if you are a historic preservation-related site making a simple link to the homepage. However, we ask that you only link to us using the following URL:
- We reserve the right to change web pages at any time without notice so we recommend you link only to our main page and do not link to subpages.
- If you choose to link to a subpage, you must continuously verify your links to those pages.
- Linking to the THC website: What You Should Not Do
- Please do not use our logo as a graphic to link to our pages. Use a text-only link with the words: Texas Historical Commission.
- Please do not capture our pages within your frames or otherwise present our content as your own. Any link to our site should be a link that passes the client browser to our site unencumbered. The "back" button should return the visitor to your site if the visitor wishes to back out. Although all content on our site is public information, the THC maintains and will defend a copyright interest in these pages.
- You should not link to individual graphics or tables within our pages, especially in an effort to place the downloading burden on our servers. Such an action may be considered a misuse of state resources. To receive permission to use a copy of our photographs or graphics within your web pages, please contact outlining your intended use(s).
- Categories of links
- Links to county historical commissions or state and federal agencies related to our mission.
- Preservation partners or nonprofit organizations related to our mission.
- Definitive sources of preservation information of interest to our visitors.
- Links officially requested by state and federal agencies to preservation-related information.
- Note: Our policy is to not link to commercial websites. However, at our discretion, we will consider a link to a commercial site if the content is of strong interest to our users.
- Selection for links is also based upon such factors as:
- The frequency of requests for adding such a link.
- The stability and trustworthiness of the site.
- The quality and usefulness of the information.
- Links may be removed or replaced at any time without notice.
- We will remove a link at our discretion if:
- The link no longer points to the original information or intended resource.
- The information is inaccurate or not trustworthy.
- Access to the information has become difficult due to odd formatting, lengthy download times, or intrusive advertising.
- The link is gone or remains unavailable for a lengthy period, especially if we are unable to contact you about your site's status.
- We receive numerous email messages so please be patient while we set up your link. If your site meets the standard criteria, we will usually create the link within 10 business days but it can take longer. If the link does not appear and you have not heard from us within two weeks, please send your request again and mention that it is a second request.
- The THC website does not enter into reciprocal link agreements. We provide links to sites that are appropriate to our mission. Our creation of a link to your site does not obligate you to provide a link back to us but you are, of course, welcome to do so. Send link information to
- Linking to the THC website: What You Can Do
Texas law gives you the right to access government records without government officials asking why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law or information for which an exception to disclosure has been sought.
Rights of Requestors
You have the right to:
- Prompt access to information that is not confidential or otherwise protected.
- Receive treatment equal to all other requestors, including accommodation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
- Receive certain kinds of information without exceptions, like the voting record of public officials, and other information.
- Receive a written statement of estimated charges, when charges will exceed $40, in advance of work being started and opportunity to modify the request in response to the itemized statement.
- Choose whether to inspect the requested information (most often at no charge), receive copies of the information or both.
- A waiver or reduction of charges if the governmental body determines that access to the information primarily benefits the general public.
- Receive a copy of the communication from the governmental body asking the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether the information can be withheld under one of the accepted exceptions, or if the communication discloses the requested information, a redacted copy.
- Lodge a written complaint about overcharges for public information with the Office of the Attorney General. Complaints of other possible violations may be filed with the county or district attorney of the county where the governmental body, other than a state agency, is located. If the complaint is against the county or district attorney, the complaint must be filed with the Office of the Attorney General.
Responsibilities of Governmental Bodies
All governmental bodies responding to information requests have the responsibility to:
- Establish reasonable procedures for inspecting or copying public information and inform requestors of these procedures.
- Treat all requestors uniformly and shall give to the requestor all reasonable comfort and facility, including accommodation in accordance with ADA requirements.
- Be informed about open records laws and educate employees on the requirements of those laws.
- Inform requestors of the estimated charges greater than $40 and any changes in the estimates above 20 percent of the original estimate, and confirm that the requestor accepts the charges, has amended the request, or has sent a complaint of overcharges to the Office of the Attorney General, in writing before finalizing the request.
- Inform the requestor if the information cannot be provided promptly and set a date and time to provide it within a reasonable time.
- Request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding any information the governmental body wishes to withhold, and send a copy of the request for ruling, or a redacted copy, to the requestor.
- Segregate public information from information that may be withheld and provide that public information promptly.
- Make a good faith attempt to inform third parties when their proprietary information is being requested from the governmental body.
- Respond in writing to all written communications from the Office of the Attorney General regarding charges for the information. Respond to the Office of the Attorney General regarding complaints about violations of the Act.
Procedures to Obtain Information
- Submit a request by mail, fax, email or in person according to a governmental body's reasonable procedures.
- Include enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the governmental body to accurately identify and locate the information requested.
- Cooperate with the governmental body's reasonable efforts to clarify the type or amount of information requested.
Information released
- You may review it promptly, and if it cannot be produced within 10 working days the public information officer will notify you in writing of the reasonable date and time when it will be available.
- Keep all appointments to inspect records and to pick up copies. Failure to keep appointments may result in losing the opportunity to inspect the information at the time requested.
Cost of Records
- You must respond to any written estimate of charges within 10 business days of the date the governmental body sent it or the request is considered automatically withdrawn.
- If estimated costs exceed $100 (or $50 if a governmental body has fewer than 16 full time employees) the governmental body may require a bond, prepayment or deposit.
- You may ask the governmental body to determine whether providing the information primarily benefits the general public, resulting in a waiver or reduction of charges.
- Make a timely payment for all mutually agreed charges. A governmental body can demand payment of overdue balances exceeding $100, or obtain a security deposit, before processing additional requests from you.
Information that may be withheld due to an exception
- By the 10th business day after a governmental body receives your written request, a governmental body must:
- Request an Attorney General opinion and state which exceptions apply;
- Notify the requestor of the referral to the Attorney General; and
- Notify third parties if the request involves their proprietary information.
- Failure to request an Attorney General opinion and notify the requestor within 10 business days will result in a presumption that the information is open unless there is a compelling reason to withhold it.
- Requestors may send a letter to the Attorney General arguing for release, and may review arguments made by the governmental body. If the arguments disclose the requested information, the requestor may obtain a redacted copy.
- The Attorney General must issue a decision no later than the 45th working day from the day after the attorney general received the request for a decision. The attorney general may request an additional 10 working day extension.
- Governmental bodies may not ask the Attorney General to "reconsider" an opinion.
To request information from the Texas Historical Commission, please send the Open Records Request Form or contact:
Executive Assistant – Administration Texas Historical Commission
P.O. Box 12276, Austin, TX 78711-2276
Fax 512.463.8222
Physical Address: 1511 Colorado St. Austin, TX 78701
For complaints regarding failure to release public information, please contact your local county or district attorney.
You may also contact the Office of the Attorney General, Open Records Hotline, at 512.478.6736 or toll-free at 877.673.6839. For complaints regarding overcharges, please contact the Office of the Attorney General's Cost Rules Administrator at 512.475.2497. For more information, see the open records information provided by the Office of the Attorney General Open Records Division.
If you need special accommodation pursuant to ADA, please contact the Texas Historical Commission at 512-463-6100. -
To request use of a Texas Historical Commission photograph, please email
The THC retains ownership and copyrights to all images. Permission will be granted for one-time use only. Any subsequent use of the material requires the written permission of the THC. No reproduction or usage is allowed other than that which is stipulated. Alterations to the image are not permitted. The THC will vigorously enforce its rights under the copyright laws. Reproduced images must be accompanied by the credit line: “Courtesy Texas Historical Commission (” Requests will be filled when time is available. -
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The following statement constitutes the THC privacy policy for its public access information systems, and will be posted on THC websites:
- In general, THC does not use cookies* to collect information. However, the Texas Historic Sites Atlas, which is a separate database, may use cookies during some search requests to track user sessions in order to provide an appropriate response. The information is discarded after the session. THC services which provide sensitive information are available only to authorized users and require the users to log on. These services use cookies to track user sessions to ensure this data is provided only to registered users. This data is logged and retained for security analysis but will not be shared with other agencies except in the case of a criminal investigation.
- If you send us an email message with a question or comment that contains personally identifying information, we will only use the information to respond to your request and analyze trends. We may redirect your message to another government agency or person who is in a better position to answer your question.
- For site and app management functions, information is collected for analysis and statistical purposes. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information and will not be released to any outside parties unless legally required to do so in connection with law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.
- THC uses log analysis tools to create summary statistics, which are used for assessing user interests and identifying problem areas.
- This site contains links to other sites, which also may assist the THC audience. The THC is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other such web sites.
*Note: A cookie file contains unique information a web site can use to track such things as passwords, lists of pages visited or the date a specific page was visited at a particular web site. A cookie is often used in commercial sites to identify the items selected for a specific shopping cart application.
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Per Texas Government Code, Chapter 403, Section 403.0245, as of 9/1/2013, state agencies and institutions of higher education are required to publish the purpose of state grant awards greater than $25,000.
In Fiscal Year 2014, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. Please visit the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2015, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
- To assist with the development of the Hispanic Heritage Center of Texas in San Antonio, Texas.
In Fiscal Year 2016, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To assist with the development and production of the Texas State Almanac.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2017, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2018, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To assist with the development and production of the Texas State Almanac.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2019, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2020, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To assist with the development and production of the Texas State Almanac.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
- To assist with the restoration of the historic Gibson Log Cabin for the Town of Flower Mound, Denton County, Texas, including identification of property and ownership, development of a case study narrative, interior and exterior construction, and photographic documentation of the project.
- To assist with the preservation of the historic St. Anthony Cemetery for the City of Peñitas, Hidalgo County, Texas, including establishment of ownership, survey, and production of a master preservation and maintenance plan.
In Fiscal Year 2021, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2022, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To assist with the development and production of the Texas State Almanac.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2023, state grants over $25,000 were awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. See the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. See the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the 10 state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. See the THTP Program page for more information.
- To assist with activities related to educational programs, outreach, curricula and materials development, exhibit design and production, and other projects carried out by various Holocaust, genocide, and human rights museums and non-profit organizations across the state. Please visit the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC) website for more information.
In Fiscal Year 2024, state grants over $25,000 have been awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. Please visit the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. Please visit the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To assist with the development and production of the Texas State Almanac.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. Please visit the THTP Program page for more information.
- To assist with legislative approved projects beginning in FY24 at the National Juneteenth Museum, Texas Maritime Museum, Rosenwald Schools, DeMorse and Lennox Historic Homes, and Fort Velasco.
In Fiscal Year 2025, state grants over $25,000 have been or will be awarded for the following purpose(s):
- To assist with the renovation and repairs to county and municipally owned historic courthouses throughout the state. Please visit the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program page for more information.
- To assist with the acquisition, survey, restoration, preservation, planning, and heritage education activities leading to the preservation of various historic properties and archeological sites throughout the state. Please visit the Texas Preservation Trust Fund page for more information.
- To fund the operations and Executive Directors of the ten state heritage trail regions in support of heritage tourism as part of the Texas Heritage Trails Program. Please visit the THTP Program page for more information.
- To assist with activities related to educational programs, outreach, curricula and materials development, exhibit design and production, and other projects carried out by various Holocaust, genocide, and human rights museums and non-profit organizations across the state. Please visit the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC) website for more information.
The THC supports the free exchange of ideas on the social media pages of the THC—which include our blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts. However, we moderate these pages and reserve the right to remove comments, posts, photos, or any content if it is derogatory, obscene, off topic, or does not adhere to the following guidelines.
The views expressed in comment fields reflect those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the THC or the Texas state government.
Examples of comments and posts supported include those that:
- Relate to the content in our posts or comments left by readers
- Relate to our mission of historic preservation in Texas
- Are thought-provoking and spark discussion or debate while maintaining a positive, courteous, or constructive tone
- Differ with the content in our posts without insulting the writer, agency, or other commenters
Examples of comments and posts that are not supported—and which we reserve the right to delete—include those that:
- Are unrelated to content in posts, comments left by readers, or historic preservation in Texas
- Become distracting from the focus of the social resource
- Descend into derogatory or obscene language
- Are insulting to the writer, the agency, or other commenters
- Promote or endorse products and services (NOTE: non-commercial links that are on-topic are acceptable)
Comments or posts that CAN BE DELETED WITHOUT NOTICE include those that:
- Contain content deemed obscene, indecent, profane, or otherwise objectionable, including (but not limited to) content of a sexually explicit, racially, or ethnically objectionable nature
- Contain unlawful content or hate speech
- Contain personal attacks, including insults, threats, or defamation
- Contain spam or advertising (or any unique content posted multiple times)
- Are disruptive or inappropriate, including personal conversations better suited for private communication
- Contain sensitive personal information or other confidential information
- Violate any third-party platform’s terms of use, terms of service, or code of conduct
THC employees who monitor and moderate social media content are not required to provide an explanation for removing content.
Numerous violations of the above THC content guidelines may result in a commenter being blocked from making future comments or posts on this page.
Privacy Notification
The THC’s social media presence is public. Please do not include personally identifiable information (such as birth dates or identification numbers) or sensitive personal information (such as health information) for yourself or others when interacting with public posts. If such information is required to resolve an issue, please contact us at Posts on THC social media that include sensitive personal information are subject to removal, unless the subject of that information has given express consent for the disclosure of that information.
Public Information Act
Texas law gives you the right to access government records without government officials asking why you want them. All government information, including social media, is presumed to be available to the public. See our Open Records page for more details, including how to request information.
Third-Party Websites and Terms of Service
Social media platforms are hosted by third parties and the use of these platforms is governed by the social media provider’s own policies in addition to the policy set forth by the Texas Historical Commission.
- Facebook terms of service
- Instagram terms of use
- Twitter terms of service
- LinkedIn user agreement
- YouTube terms of service
Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership
Intellectual property rights of content provided by the public on THC social media will be governed by federal copyright law, the terms of service of the social media provider, and the agency’s copyright policies.