County Historical Commissions (CHCs) are appointed by county’s commissioners court. CHC appointments are volunteer, professional, commitments to represent the county’s interests related to historic and cultural heritage. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) encourages county officials to appoint/reappoint individuals who have the knowledge and skills to meet their county’s historic preservation goals.

Appointments for 2025-2026 Term of Service

Chapter 318 of the Texas Local Government Code directs county commissioners courts to appoint members to their CHC during January of odd-numbered years. To assist in the appointments process, county judges were mailed an appointment reminder packet on November 1, 2024. For your reference, the packet includes the following:

Submitting CHC Appointee Rosters

CHC Appointee Roster Template

Please use the template above to create a CHC appointee roster. Chapter 318 of the Texas Local Government Code directs county commissioners courts to provide the THC with appointee updates by January of odd-numbered years. CHCs should verify appointee contact information on a regular basis, perhaps at each commission meeting, and update the roster when needed. Instructions for submitting appointee rosters are as follows:

  • All appointee contact updates should be made by editing the CHC Appointee Roster Template.
  • Provide the contact information (name, address, telephone number, and email address) for each appointee on the roster.
  • Submit roster using the provided Appointee Roster Template in the Excel format (rather than handwritten, Microsoft Word, or PDF documents).
  • Email the completed/updated roster to
  • If you send miscellaneous CHC appointee contact information updates to the THC, you will be directed to make those changes using the CHC Appointee Roster Template and resubmit the updated roster.

CHC Chair and Marker Chair Updates

Notify the THC of any changes to the CHC Chair or Marker Chair contact information to maintain communication between THC staff and CHC representatives. Please use the notification forms provided below to update CHC Chair and Marker Chair contact information:


General Inquiries: Questions concerning the CHC appointment process should be directed to, or by calling 512-463-9052.

Submission Tracking: County offices frequently ask about a county's track record for CHC activity. For this reason, our office began tracking CHC appointee roster submissions (updated Fall 2024).