Fanthorp Inn began as a two-room cedar log dogtrot cabin in 1834, when Texas was still part of Mexico. By 1850 it grew to the 17 room complex you can see today. English immigrant, Henry Fanthorp petitioned Stephen F Austin for permission to settle in Austin's colony upon his arrival to Texas in 1832. He bought 1,100 acres and built his house in 1834 on the road that crossed his land, thus bringing travelers to his door immediately. Henry Fanthorp was appointed postmaster by the provisional Texas government in 1835, and saw the advantage of offering other services and goods to his frequent visitors. Within time, Fanthorp's Inn became a well-known stopping place for both travelers and the community.

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579 S. Main St. 
Anderson, TX 77830 
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Friday to Sunday 
10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 

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Public Tours 
Living History Programs 
Special Events 
Group Tours  
School Programs 

Fanthorp Inn under a tree with a white picket fence in front

Plan Your Visit

Fanthorp Inn is open for public tours Friday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and for group tours (by reservation) and school events.

Dining table with a dinner setting

Fanthorp Inn History

Fanthorp Inn State Historic Site is located approximately 30 miles southeast of Bryan/College Station. It consists of six acres in Anderson, county seat of Grimes County.

Events at Fanthorp Inn

historic photograph of a family standing outside the inn in 1905

The Inn After Fanthorp Tour and Stagecoach Rides

Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Special tour of the Fanthorp Inn in Anderson, TX

stagecoach in front of the Fanthorp Inn

Dragoons Dismount - tour and stagecoach ride

Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Living history event and stagecoach ride at the Fanthorp Inn in Anderson, TX

period dressed band and dancers at historic inn

San Jacinto Ball

Saturday 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Living history event with stagecoach rides at Fanthorp Inn in Anderson, TX

Fanthorp Inn in the Blog

A two story 19th century inn after its renovations were completed

Book Your Plans for Fanthorp Inn's Reopening

Renovations have uncovered some exciting surprises at Fanthorp Inn.

Restoration Project Underway at Fanthorp Inn

Fanthorp Inn State Historic Site closed temporarily on September 24, 2023 to prepare for an extensive restoration project. Many of the original items and antiques were either taken off site for safe storage or moved away from work areas and tarped.

Visit Eight State Historic Sites to Experience the Republic of Texas Era

Step back in time and experience the period of the Texas Republic in person or virtually at one of these Texas Historical Commission state historic sites.