
To participate in the THCPP and be eligible to receive grant funding, a project must meet the following criteria:

  • A building that serves or has served as a county courthouse
  • A building that is over 50 years old or is certified as worthy of preservation
  • A building that has a current master plan approved by the THC. View approved master plans (PDF).

Getting Started with a Master Plan

To participate in the grant program, applicants must have prepared a Master Plan for preserving and maintaining their historic county courthouse. Hiring a professional preservation architect to assist in this process will help county representatives evaluate the current state of the courthouse and set priorities for rehabilitating and maintaining the building.

A good master plan includes a history of the building, historic photos and drawings, a thorough evaluation of existing conditions and a plan for the future, with an estimated budget for all the proposed work. The master plan must be submitted to the THC for review and may either be accepted, with suggested changes made and resubmitted, or rejected. Proposed work must comply with the Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The document is a general plan of action and does not include detailed construction plans and specifications.

Master Plan Resources

Previous Grant Application Timeline, Procedures, and Forms

Applications are evaluated and grants awarded based on factors related to the specific building, the project proposal, and community support. Factors and weighting are listed for the previous application round below.

Pre-Application Training

Grant Application Guide

Grant Application Instructions

Grant Application

Current Grant Application Timeline

THCPP Round XIII Grant Timeline
February 5, 2024DRAFT New Master Plans for Program Eligibility Due by 5 p.m.
February 5, 2024DRAFT 95% Architectural Plans for Shovel Ready Status Due by 5 p.m.
Mid-February 2024Grant Application Materials Available
March 1, 2024Courthouse Project Reviewers Provide Comments on DRAFT Master Plans
March 1, 2024Courthouse Project Reviewers Provide Comments on DRAFT 95% Architectural Plans
April 5, 2024 FINAL Master Plans and Architectural Plans Due 
April 15, 2024On-Demand Pre-Application Training Video Link (Must Be Completed Before Application Deadline)
April 22, 2024Notification of Approved THCPP Master Plan and Round XIII Eligibility
April 22, 2024Notification of Approved 95% Architectural Plans & Specifications and
Shovel Ready Status for Additional Points
May 13, 2024Grant Application Deadline 5 p.m.
TBDArchitecture Committee Meeting for Public Comment
July 26, 2024Round XIII Grant Awards Announced

Regional Reviewers

Each county is assigned a THCPP staff member based on geographic region. Please please contact the program staff member assigned to your county, or contact the Program Coordinator Susan Tietz for general questions.