Bee County Courthouse

The 1913 Beaux Arts-style Bee County Courthouse has taken on a fresh-but-historic appearance as a result of $3.8 million in state funding assistance.

Restoration work included rehabilitation of the historic wood windows, repairs to the tile-roofed dome, and installation of a replica of the building's original decorative rooftop balustrade. On the exterior, the new accessibility ramp was completed as were repairs to the building's brick and cast-stone masonry. To improve fire safety and accessibility, a new interior fire stair and elevator have been installed. Inside, the walls received paint in the building's historic scheme of rich gold, green, grey, and black. In the grand district courtroom, a new pressed metal ceiling and balcony were installed, matching the original that was, until recently, only known in faded photos.

The courthouse was rededicated on May 20, 2006.

Courthouse CTA
Mason County Courthouse under construction

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