“A Matter of Honor”: The Pinckard-Steele Duel

Join us as we discuss the rules of dueling and recreate the Thornton Pinckard-James Steele duel of 1838 that took place in Washington.


Plows & Petticoats- A Woman's Role

Sewing, cleaning, cooking, and childcare comprise the main elements of the “Domestic Sphere” of nineteenth century women.

A wooden spinning wheel with spindles and raw fiber rests on a table.

Spinning and Weaving

Learn more about traditional spinning and weaving at a demonstration from the Bay Area Weavers and Spinners every second Saturday at the San Jacinto Museum.


Edge of Empire: Gear of the Spanish Soldado de Cuera

Step back in time and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the valiant 'soldados de cuera,' as you unravel the survival secrets of Texas's colonial guardians at Mission Dolores – gear up for a journey into the heart of history!


Plows & Petticoats- A Woman's Role

Sewing, cleaning, cooking, and childcare comprise the main elements of the “Domestic Sphere” of nineteenth century women.

Hand-dipped candles hang from their wicks on a cast-iron hook

Demo Day: Candle Making

Come to the San Jacinto Monument on May 16th to see a demonstration of the candle-making process frontiersmen and women used to create light for their homes.

Soldier Equipment Display

A Soldier's Life

Visit for a hands on experience of Soldier's equipment from the 1800s at Fort Lancaster

Thursday, May 16th, 2024 from 1pm to 4pm.

Contact Fort Lancaster at: 432-836-4391 for more information.

A promotional image featuring Stephen F. Austin and images of plants in a garden setting, advertising the Garden focused Day on May 18

A Day in the Garden

Spring is winding to a close, and it is time to spend some more time in the garden! See the progress of the seeds that were planted in March and help mitigate weeds!

Chuckwagon on the grass in front of the Goodnight Historic Home.

A Taste of Ranch Life

Fun times at the Ranch! Come explore early Panhandle activities and meet a few critters as well.