19th century brick buildings on a main street

The Texas Historical Commission (THC) recently broadened its reach to provide free education and networking services to communities interested in the revitalization of historic commercial districts. This educational effort is called the First Street Initiative and is facilitated by the Texas Main Street Program (TMSP). The brochure linked below provides a summary of the program. Keep reading for more details. 

First Street Initiative Brochure

New Downtown Revitalization Initiative

A midcentury building with a curved brick facade on a street corner

The First Street Initiative enables communities to learn more about downtown revitalization and historic preservation. For interested communities, First Street is the first step for communities that plan to apply to the TMSP. 

The First Street annual registration cycle and process are explained below. Although there is no fee to participate, First Street communities must participate in quarterly education sessions and complete associated assignments to remain in the cohort from year to year. 

Once First Street communities are confirmed, participants will begin quarterly educational sessions that explore topics related to historic preservation, revitalization best practices, and sustainable programming for commercial historic cores. First Street communities will accomplish the following:

  • Connect to Texas Historical Commission programs and services
  • Develop a network of support with peer communities  
  • Identify downtown opportunities and challenges
  • Learn best practices related to downtown revitalization and management

First Street Initiative Registration

Who can register. Communities of any size with an interest in downtown revitalization, particularly those who view historic preservation as a priority. 

Program overview. First Street Initiative staff held virtual pre-registration meetings in 2024. One meeting was recorded and is available here. The video addresses First Street Initiative parameters, the registration form, and goals for program participants. We recommend viewing this recording prior to contacting our office for more information. 

Several brick buildings along main street in a small Texas town

Registration process. A reference copy of the online registration survey is provided here. Communities can register for First Street during the annual fall registration cycle. Accepted programs will be announced in January of the following year. Participants will begin educational programming in February. 

Cost to participate. There is no cost to participate in the First Street Initiative. However, a point of contact for the city must devote time to attend the educational sessions and complete required assignments. To remain in the First Street Initiative, communities must have representation at all quarterly meetings and complete quarterly assignments. 

Point of contact. The registration survey requests each community to designate a point of contact to represent the community as the primary participant in First Street activities. To participate effectively, this individual must be able to discuss the current conditions of the community’s downtown relative to the city’s infrastructure and interest in historic preservation. 

The registration process requires a point of contact form to be uploaded into the survey platform. This form also requests a back-up contact and signature from the city manager/administrator to verify notification to local officials. THC's preference is for the point of contact to be a city staffer. However, the city can delegate this duty to a partner nonprofit as long as that individual can discuss downtown conditions as noted above. 

City government approval. Registrant must verify that city management approves the community's participation in First Street and representation by the selected point of contact. The online registration process will prompt users to upload a completed copy of the contact form (above) that includes the city manager or city administrator's signature. Registrations that do not have this signature are considered incomplete and ineligible for entry into the First Street Initiative.

Participation confirmed. TMSP staff will review registration information for completeness and follow-up with questions as needed. Confirmation emails will be issued to the indicated points of contact by the end of January; message will include next steps. Each registration form must be completed in its entirety to be eligible to participate in the First Street Initiative. Communities must be in good standing with the Texas Historical Commission to participate. 

Participating in First Street Network

An American flag along a sidewalk with several uniformed individuals in the distance

Upon confirmation, communities are considered as First Street Initiative contributors. Points of contact will represent their communities in the following ways. 

  1. Participate in the network. Designated points of contact will attend First Street quarterly meetings. TMSP staff will issue a calendar of First Street Initiative meetings, along with times for optional office hours throughout the year in which participants can discuss related concerns and interests. The two-hour quarterly meetings will vary in format, involving an assortment of topics, speakers, discussion groups, and related assignments to be completed in anticipation of meetings. We anticipate points of contact spending from 6-10 hours each quarter on First Street participation, depending on each individual’s availability and interest.  
  2. Submit an annual survey. Each participating community will complete an annual survey to confirm participation in, and satisfaction with, the First Street Initiative. The survey will ask for feedback on the Initiative, additional educational needs, and confirmation that the community intends to participate in the Initiative the following year. 
  3. Continue in First Street or pursue Main Street. A community may continue as a First Street Initiative contributor as long as it continues to participate consistently from quarter to quarter, year to year. Some communities may want to continue in First Street in order to pursue application to the Texas Main Street Program (TMSP). THC staff will work with communities to meet TMSP application benchmarks once a foundation has been established for Main Street success through First Street Initiative participation. 

Questions about the First Street Initiative and/or entering the TMSP should be directed to

First Street Contact

Contact Us

If you have questions about the First Street Initiative, please contact the program administrator using the information listed here.