The Old Socorro Mission site is a Franciscan mission named Nuestra Señora de La Limpia Concepción de los Piros de Socorro del Sur, founded in 1682 to serve Spanish families and Native American communities displaced from New Mexico during the Pueblo Revolt. The historical records detail not only the mission, but the Piro Pueblo that was established alongside it. Rebuilt at least four times, the mission was destroyed in 1829 by the flooding of the Rio Grande and was ultimately relocated. Nearby, the present-day mission and the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, home of the descendants of the Puebloans, provide a direct link between the former site and the contemporary community. There are currently no public services or facilities. 

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10551 Nicholas Rd.    
Socorro, TX 79927 
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This site is closed to the public.

Marker at Old Socorro

Old Socorro Mission History

Following 80 years of Spanish occupation, Pueblo Indians in northern New Mexico revolted in 1680, driving out the Spaniards for a 12-year period.